Completed IP Geophysical Survey; Preparing For Drilling At Maripa
VANCOUVER - Orea Mining Corp. reported on the 2020 exploration program at the Maripa gold project ("Maripa") located in French Guiana. The discovery of 5 new quartz vein systems by prospecting in 2019 and early 2020 has highlighted the potential for high-grade gold ores. The 2020 exploration program is advancing as planned despite certain restrictions being maintained in French Guiana related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Ground geophysical surveying by Induced Polarization (IP) method was carried-out in July in the northern half of Maripa over the Filon Dron and Changement gold zones. The work declaration for drill testing of the Filon Dron gold zone and surroundings was approved by the State services, where past drilling returned important near surface drill hole intersections of 2.45 g/t gold over 25.5 meters and 4.18 g/t gold over 36.0 meters and recent prospecting uncovered 3 subsidiary veins systems with high-grade gold potential, and Drilling operations are anticipated to commence.
Rock Lefrançois, President & CEO, said, "Our initial exploration has proven the value of the Maripa project in the Company's growth strategy with numerous gold zones and prospects identified over a 20 kilometer stretch of a regional structural corridor and geological environment that hosts major gold deposits in the Guiana Shield. We are quite excited to start drilling on the first target in and around Filon Dron where past and recent results are remarkable."
In preparation for a drilling program a ground geophysical survey by Induced Polarization (IP) and Electric Resistivity Tomography (ERT) methods were completed. The IP/ERT geophysical survey was intended to trace disseminated sulfide (pyrite) halos associated with the gold bearing shear-tension vein systems over the Changement and Filon Dron zones identified by drilling in the northern half of Maripa by past operators. IP (chargeability) and ERT (resistivity) measurements were taken with an ABEM Terrameter LS2 resistivity meter. Two survey configurations were chosen for data acquisition; Pole-Dipole and ALL64. ALL64 is a combination of three configurations: Dipole-Dipole, Schlumberger and Gradient.
A total of seven (7) ENE-WSW oriented lines, for a total of 8,650 meters, were surveyed perpendicular to the general stratigraphic and structural trend: Four lines (1600MA, 2000MA, 2200MA and 2400MA) were surveyed in the central part of Maripa covering an 800-meter strike extent of the Filon Dron gold zone and subsidiary vein systems of Site #1 and Site #4. The survey lines were extended to the northeast to cover an important sheared contact between volcanic and sedimentary sequences; One line (400MA) was surveyed 1,200 meters to the northwest where gold-in-soil geochemical anomalies were obtained along the projection of the Filon Dron gold zone (Northwest Extension); Two lines (1500CH and 1700CH) were surveyed at the northwestern end of Maripa across the Rosalie and Andromede gold mineralized shear zones at Changement. The gold mineralized shear zones have been traced by drilling to shallow depths over a lateral distance of 1,250 meters and were mined at surface by three small open pits from 1985 to 1996 (official production of 31,000 oz gold). The IP survey lines were designed to trace the extension of the shear zones to the south of the historical drilling area and the exploited open pits.