Orea Intersects Wide Mineralized Shear Zones

VANCOUVER - Orea Mining Corp. reported on the drilling program at the Maripa gold project located in French Guiana, France. The core drilling program investigating the promising Filon Dron and subsidiary gold mineralized shear zones is underway; Drill pad and access track building for the Phase 1 program was completed; 600 meters of drilling in 4 drill holes have been completed to date; All drill holes intersected the targeted shear zones injected with quartz veins and associated sulfide mineralization over core lengths of 20-30 meters; Specks of visible gold were observed in 2 drill holes; and The drilling has confirmed a 450-meter wide NNW-trending deformation corridor defined by 3 major veined and mineralized shear zones.

The Filon Dron Drill Program to date reported a total 592 meters of drilling were completed in 4 drill holes and hole #15 is in progress: Hole MAR-20-011 (#11) tested the shear-vein system exposed by artisanal mine workings at Site #4 and was drilled to a final depth of 115.8 meters; Hole MAR-20-012 (#12) tested the shear-vein system exposed by artisanal mine workings at Site #1 and was drilled to a final depth of 184.8 meters; Hole MAR-20-013 (#13) tested the Filon Dron shear-vein system and was drilled to a final depth of 133.8 meters; Hole MAR-20-014 (#14) tested the Site #1 shear-vein system 300 meters southeast of the intersection obtained in drill hole #12 and was drilled to a final depth of 157.5 meters; and Hole MAR-20-015 (#15) is testing the Filon Dron shear-vein system 100 meters south of the intersection obtained in hole #13 and 50 meters down dip of the intersection in historical hole MAR-06-008 of 4.18 g/t Au over 36.0 meters including 7.17 g/t Au over 18.0 meters.

All drill holes intersected the targeted shear zones over core lengths of 19 to 27 meters. True widths are estimated at 80% of core length based on core angles with the dominant structural fabric. The drilling has confirmed a 450-meter wide NNW-trending deformation corridor defined by 3 major shear zones cutting intermediate volcanic assemblages of the Paramaca Formation. The intersections were obtained in fresh rock, with the exception of hole #14, where the surface alteration saprolite horizon was thicker than projected.

The shear zones are characterized by a penetrative structural fabric, strong sericite-carbonate alteration and injected with a network of shear and tension veins composed of an assemblage of quartz, carbonate and lesser tourmaline. The veins and wallrock are mineralized with up to 2% to 7% sulfides as pyrite and lesser chalcopyrite. Specks of visible gold were observed in drill holes #12 and #13. The mineralized shear zones are being prioritized for sampling and gold assaying. The samples are dispatched by Orea personnel to the Filab-Amsud depot in Cayenne for trucking to the Filab-Amsud laboratory in Paramaribo, Suriname.

The Filon Dron prospect is one of the five partially drill-defined gold zones at Maripa. Filon Dron is located in the central part of Maripa centered over a 2,800 meter by 800 to 1,100 meter gold-in-soil anomaly straddling a faulted contact between volcanic assemblages and younger pull-apart basin sediments, marking a regional deformation corridor known as the Northern Guiana Trough (NGT) extending west into neighboring Suriname. The geological setting at Maripa is similar to the Rosebel gold mine (15.2 Moz gold) in Suriname.

The initial discovery drill program at Filon Dron, consisting of 7 shallow core holes carried-out by IAMGOLD Corporation in 2006, was limited to a 400 meter by 200 meter area of the extensive gold-in-soil anomaly. Two (2) of the 7 cored holes returned important gold mineralized intersections within the surface weathered saprolite layer of 2.45 g/t gold over 25.5 meters, including 3.17 g/t gold over 13.5 meters (MAR-06-007), and 4.18 g/t gold over 36.0 meters, including 7.17 g/t gold over 18.0 meters (MAR-06-008), defining a wide veined and gold mineralized shear zone striking north-northwest, parallel to the local stratigraphic and structural trends. Several other subparallel gold mineralized structures untested by drilling are interpreted from the surface geochemical data.

Prospecting by Orea in 2019 and 2020 led to the discovery of 3 additional shear-hosted vein systems exposed by artisanal mine workings (Sites #1, #4 and #5) in proximity to Filon Dron. Select samples of quartz veins and wallrock collected from the artisanal mine workings and ore stockpiles returned high-grade gold values at all 3 prospects, including: 5.84, 11.45 and 86.80 g/t gold at Site #1; 6.36, 6.60, 9.70, 11.08, 13.07 and 15.22 g/t gold at Site #4; and 38.87 g/t gold at Site #5.