Supplemental Draft EIS Highlights Positive Environmental Outcomes For Stibnite Gold Project

BOISE, ID - Perpetua Resources Corp. reported that the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SDEIS) published by the United States Forest Service (USFS) highlights the net positive environmental outcomes that the Stibnite Gold Project can provide to the abandoned mine site based on the results of comprehensive scientific analysis conducted by the USFS over the last six years. The USFS identified Perpetua Resources' proposed action, the "Modified Mine Plan," as the Preferred Alternative because the Modified Mine Plan: 1) Incorporates water management and closure activities to reduce the duration of long-term water treatment requirements. 2) Includes measures to manage stream temperatures. 3) Reduces potential impacts associated with access, transportation, and hazardous materials on alternative access routes to the project site.

The USFS also concluded the Preferred Alternative would reasonably accomplish the purpose and need for consideration of approval of the Stibnite Gold Project, while giving consideration to environmental, economic, and technical factors. Under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), a "Preferred Alternative" is identified by a Federal agency in a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) to let the public know which action the agency is leaning toward selecting as final.

"We are proud that the USFS recognizes Perpetua's diligent efforts to improve environmental outcomes for the historic mining area through the redevelopment of the Stibnite Gold Project," said Laurel Sayer, President and CEO. "We designed our Project to improve river habitat and water quality. The feedback we have heard from our stakeholders, through the NEPA process and public engagement, has helped us enhance our plan and we are pleased to see the USFS highlighted some of these improvements in the SDEIS."