Exploration Program At The Golden Sidewalk Project
VANCOUVER - Prosper Gold Corp. reported rock and till sampling results from the 2020 exploration program at the Golden Sidewalk Project in the Birch-Uchi region of Red Lake. The Golden Sidewalk is a district scale gold exploration project covering over 160 square kilometers of contiguous mineral claims and mining leases. Highlights: 3 pristine gold grain anomalies outlined in 32 square kilometer reconnaissance till survey; Channel rock sampling at two discrete zones, results include 1.0 meter grading 15.3 g/t gold; and Rock chip samples up to 16.3 g/t gold at Skinner North prospect, no historical drilling.
“High grade gold in surface rock sampling at the Dunkin, KT Vein and Skinner North prospects gives us confidence in existing targets prior to drilling,” said, Peter Bernier, CEO. “We are excited by the identification of three pristine gold grain anomalies near the regional unconformity. All three are in areas with no historical drill programs and are exciting developments in our regional targeting initiative. The UC anomaly area is our highest-ranking conceptual target based on available historical data and crews have infill sampled this target. Results are expected in the coming weeks.”
The 2020 reconnaissance till sampling program at the Golden Sidewalk Project was designed to detect anomalous gold-in-till near a regional angular unconformity between the Narrow Lake and the Balmer Assemblages. Such regional unconformities may localize structural corridors for hydrothermal fluid migration and gold mineralization. Till sampling at 250 m intervals was conducted along lines spaced at 1 km. Three areas with anomalously high gold grain counts were detected. A high proportion of the gold grains are classed as pristine gold. This suggests a nearby bedrock source.
The largest anomaly, the UC, has the highest pristine grain count (samples up to 143 gold grains with 78 pristine grains) directly north of the Narrow Lake / Balmer unconformity. The E-12 anomaly, also to north of the unconformity, has the highest gold-grain-in-till sample of 149 gold grains (69 pristine grains). The Balmer anomaly consists of 5 elevated pristine grain samples, covering 1.25km, over the Balmer Assemblage rocks to the south of the unconformity. The new till sampling results bolster the company’s high priority geophysical and conceptual targets. Channel sampling and mapping was completed at the Joe Vein, Dunkin 2 and KT vein to gain insight into gold mineralization at these areas.
The Dunkin 2 Trench is described as strongly sheared massive basalts belonging to the Narrow Lake Assemblage hosting numerous sulphide-bearing quartz veins up to 1 meter in width. Sulphides observed within quartz veins and in mineralized wallrock consist of pyrite and lesser chalcopyrite. Quartz veins trending west-southwest have been deformed locally suggesting a relatively early timing on gold mineralization in the context of the deformational history of the Birch-Uchi greenstone belt.
The KT Vein Trench exhibits a quartz vein near the contact between sheared massive basalts belonging to the Narrow Lake Assemblage and a west-northwest trending felsic dike. Sulphides within the quartz vein include pyrite and lesser arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite. The west-northwest trend and the undisturbed nature of the quartz vein suggest timing of the gold mineralization at the KT vein is related to the later D2 deformational event in the Birch-Uchi greenstone belt.
The 16,400-hectare Golden Sidewalk project is in the western Birch-Uchi Greenstone Belt, approximately 60 km east of Red Lake, Ontario. The vehicle-accessible project straddles 12 kilometers of the Balmer Assemblage – Narrow Lake Assemblage unconformity, a regional-scale feature that has been the Red Lake exploration guide, but which has seen limited exploration in the project area.