Exploration At The Swift Project

VANCOUVER - Ridgeline Minerals Corp. reported on the Swift Project, located in the Cortez mining district of the Battle Mountain - Eureka Trend, Nevada . The Project is operated by Nevada Gold Mines (NGM) under an exploration earn-in agreement with NGM holding an option to spend US$20 million in qualifying expenditures over five years to earn an initial 60% stake in the project.

SW21-001 was the first hole drilled under the earn-in agreement and returned 9.1 meters ("m") grading 0.51 grams per tonne ("g/t") gold ("Au") starting at 8.5 m downhole. The hole also intersected Lower Plate host rocks at relatively shallow depths of 556 m but did not return significant gold intercepts throughout the Lower Plate section. The elevated gold and anomalous Carlin-Type pathfinder geochemistry observed in the upper portion of SW21-001 is encouraging and suggests mineralization is vectoring to the west. The next phase of drilling in Q2, 2022 will consist of a series of wide-spaced framework drill-holes (~1 kilometer spacing) to test this concept and help generate a comprehensive geologic model of the historically underexplored Swift project.

Chad Peters, President, CEO & Director, said, "We are thrilled to see more drilling planned at Swift in 2022 and encouraged by the initial assay results in SW21-001, which returned a near surface gold intersection in historically poor host rocks of the Upper Plate. These results further support the widespread gold and trace element footprint at Swift and highlight the potential strength of the Carlin-Type gold target at depth. The next phase of drilling will continue to shape the geologic model with this systematic exploration strategy having already led to multiple discoveries in the Cortez District. We look forward to providing regular updates for our shareholders as the next phase of drilling progresses."