Potential For Porphyry System At Depth On The Kinkaid Gold-Silver-Copper Property

TORONTO - Romios Gold Resources Inc. reported that its recently completed field program on the Kinkaid property in Nevada has improved the understanding of the large-scale mineral potential of the property and reinforced previous suggestions by the Company's geologists that there may be a porphyry system at depth beneath the dozens of old high-grade gold-silver-copper prospects on the claims.

A prominent alteration zone 1 km wide surrounding a series of high-grade Au-Ag-Cu vein prospects on the southern Kinkaid claims is now thought to be consistent with a possible porphyry-type intrusion at depth. The discovery of thick packages of skarnified metasediments and previously unknown granitic intrusions on the northern claims near several small-scale former gold-tungsten producers has greatly increased the size potential of the skarn system at Kinkaid.

"One of the most striking features of the Kinkaid property is the abundance and variety of high-grade vein occurrences clustered in the southern part of the claim block," stated John Biczok, VP, Exploration. "These occurrences typically trend NNE, parallel to the dominant strike of the Basin and Range faulting, and they are frequently situated in large areas discoloured brown by iron oxides and sericitic alteration of the local volcanic-sedimentary package.

One cluster of these mineralized and altered areas is at least 1 km long and 400 m wide and hosts occurrences that have returned previously reported individual assays up to 36.3 g/t Gold, 2.16% Copper, and 212 g/t Silver with elevated barite, bismuth, antimony and mercury values (See Romios Press Releases March 10, June 14 & June 29, 2022). The high copper content and strong sericite alteration of most of the showings suggests there has been a magmatic input to the mineralizing fluids, potentially a porphyry Cu-Au system at depth.”

This discoloured target area is flanked by other high grade vein deposits including the 500 m long series of the Montreal Ag-Au mine workings, and numerous high-grade copper-gold-silver vein type deposits of unknown extent that do not appear to have been fully evaluated in the past.

"The variation in these veins from copper-gold rich prospects, to silver +/- gold veins with high lead and zinc, to those with very high gold values all point to a variation in their depth of emplacement above a presumed pluton," stated Stephen Burega, CEO and President. "And this provides us with guidance on the potential of these veins for better mineralization at depth as well as the distance to the top of the potentially mineralized pluton as we plan for our next phase of exploration at Kinkaid."