Application For Drill Permits On Evening Star Property
VANCOUVER - Sky Gold Corp. is proceeding with a notice level application to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Carson City office, for an upcoming drill program on its Evening Star Property, located in Mineral County, Nevada. The Evening Star property is located only 12 kilometers southeast of the town of Hawthorne. The Evening Star property covers two historic, formerly producing mines, the Evening Star mine and the Gold Bug mine.
BLM and County fees and filings have been recently completed over an expanded property of 62 unpatented mineral claims comprising approximately 1,200 acres. The enlarged property was designed to expand the area around new surface showings discovered by the Company in 2018 which have never been drilled: Recent assay results indicate a significant zone of gold silver and copper mineralization discovered through sampling of old workings known as the Golden Bomber and Golden Eagle prospects. The new mineralized target area is designated as the Golden Highlands (GH) zone. Gold values up to 25.9 grams per tonne (g/t Au), silver values up to 318.0 g/t Ag and copper peaks of 6.14 per cent Cu (% Cu) were returned from surface samples over an area of approximately 300 by 200 meters. A total of 10 rock samples were taken from these new locations; and New discovery in a historic area known as the Good Hope No. 2 mine, on the Evening Star property. Recent assay results indicate a significant zone of gold and silver mineralization hosted in fractured and sheared granodiorite. Gold values up to 20.30 g/t Au, silver values up to 82.4 g/t Ag and copper peaks of 0.19 % Cu were returned from surface samples over a strike length of approximately 500 metres trending north-northwest from the northern location of the Gold Bug target."
The Company cautions investors that the surface sampling is preliminary in nature and that grab samples are selected samples and are not necessarily representative of the mineralization on the property.
The Evening Star property was last drilled by the Company in 2017- 2018 with a series of shallow holes (5 holes, 661.7 meters), directed at skarn and CRD (carbonate replacement deposit) mineralization over the Gold Bug mine area. Highlights included in hole ES17-02, 5.3 meters averaging 0.84 g/t Au, 105.3 g/t Ag, 5.09% Cu, and 0.86% Zn, hole ES18-03, 3.0 meters averaging 0.46% Cu, and 2.6 meters 0.33% Cu, and hole ES-18-04, 4.6 meters averaging 0.68% Cu.
The proposed Notice of Intent (NOI) exploration permit with the BLM will cover additional disturbance areas created to establish drill road access and drill sites over the Gold Bug zone and the new discovery targets. The Company, when possible, attempts to drill multiple holes from single drill pads on existing roads to minimize the amount of surface disturbance created by drilling activities.
Mike England, CEO, said, “We are looking forward to reactivating exploration activities and drilling on our Evening Star property in Nevada. With excellent logistics and the ability to work year-round, it is an excellent complement to our ongoing exploration activities on the Mustang and Virginia properties in Newfoundland."