Palmetto Project NOI Exploration Permit Received

VANCOUVER - Smooth Rock Ventures Corp. has received a Notice of Intent (NOI) exploration permit from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to conduct exploration and drilling on the Palmetto Project. The Palmetto Project consists of 79 unpatented mining claims totaling 1600 acres located in Esmeralda County, Nevada, within the southern portion of the Walker Lane gold trend.

The NOI exploration permit with the BLM covers the disturbance areas created to establish drill road access and drill sites within the Palmetto Project. The Company, when possible, attempts to drill multiple holes from single drill pads on existing roads to minimize the amount of surface disturbance created by drilling activities. The Company can amend the NOI exploration permit over the next 2 years to increase the permitted disturbance areas for additional drill sites and access roads with further bonding at the Palmetto Project.

Smooth Rock's field crews have completed a detailed ground land survey of the Palmetto claim blocks. Field crews have successfully located most of the historical drill holes completed by the previous operators of the exploration programs on the Project. The land survey was conducted with a Trimble Pro XRT2 L1/L2 GPS receiver capable of accuracies within 4 inches. The data from the ground survey is now being used in compilation with the 3D modeling data from the historic resource estimation. Smooth Rock's geologists are presently determining drill hole collar locations for the upcoming drill program at Palmetto.