Ongoing Exploration Activities At The Horse Heaven Gold-Antimony-Tungsten Project
VANCOUVER - Stallion Gold Corp. reported ongoing exploration activities at the Horse Heaven Project. Stallion’s 2022 field season started in late May, it is currently ongoing and will include structural mapping and analysis of the Golden Gate Shear Zone, CSAMT geophysical surveys and concurrent drill program permitting. Through the start of the season Stallion geologists conducted geological and structural mapping to better delineate mineralized areas and improve understanding of structural controls on mineralization within the golden gate shear zone. This also entailed compilation of historical mapping and sampling information and will aid interpretation of geochemical and geophysical surveys as well as optimization of future drilling activities. Significant outcomes of the project include identification of both syn- and post- mineralization structural controls and delineation of multiple fault-bounded prospective zones of epithermal quartz veins and stockworks. Prospective zones appear laterally contiguous along strike and are coincident with elevated gold-in-soils and rock chip sampling from the 2021 geochemical surveys.
Stallion had exploration crews based out of Salmon, Idaho survey the geophysical grid lines in preparation for geophysical crew, who are now onsite to conduct a CSAMT survey along the 3 km long Golden Gate Shear Zone. The CSAMT survey will generate geophysical data to identify potential mineralized zones and controlling structures in the subsurface. Combined with surface mapping and geochemical sampling, the geophysical data will focus and enhance drill targeting.
William Breen President and VP of Exploration, said, "The team on the ground at Horse Heaven has continued to move the project forward and we are excited to see the combined results of the ongoing exploration as we work to generate the top priority drill targets."
Permitting on the Golden Gate Shear Zone exploration drilling program is progressing and US Forest Service specialists have been on the ground and are compiling all the data necessary to inform a decision to allow drilling to occur. The current focus of exploration on the Horse Heaven project is along the Golden Gate Shear Zone, which hosts gold and tungsten mineralization, but additional future work will focus on the antimony occurrence on Antimony Ridge where historical production of antimony occurred. Exploration at Antimony Ridge will include geological mapping, rock, and soil sampling to delineate if and where a geophysical survey would be beneficial to develop future areas of work. Antimony is classified as a critical mineral in the USA and efforts to delineate significant occurrences of strategic minerals that currently have no domestic production cannot be overlooked, especially with recent inclusion of antimony as a defense shortfall material by the Department of Defense and inclusion in the Homeland Acceleration of Recovering Deposits and Renewing Onshore Critical Keystones Act ("HARD ROCK Act”).