Phase I Drill Program To Follow-Up On Recent High-Grade Silver and Gold Discovery At Hughes Property
VANCOUVER - Summa Silver Corp. has increased the size of the current Phase I drill program at the high-grade silver (Ag) and gold (Au) Hughes Property near Tonopah, Nevada to 12,500 meters. The Company is also planning a significant Phase II drill program which is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2021. The current program has been expanded to at least 12,500 m to follow up on early high-grade Ag and Au results and encouraging preliminary visual results observed in multiple drill holes. (3,760 g/t silver equivalent over 2.5 m in hole SUM20-06). The Company is awaiting assay results for 13 additional holes, all of which were drilled to assess high-priority targets consisting of both unmined extensions of known veins and new prospects in areas of little prior exploration. Current Focus on Step-Out and Exploration Drilling: Two core rigs remain in full operation on the property with one rig in the final stages of completing a widely-spaced drilling pattern on the Murray target and the other now beginning follow up holes around the Belmont Mine. A reverse-circulation rig is currently in transit to the property and will drill pre-collars for a minimum of 12 additional core holes. A significant Phase II drill program is being planned for early 2021.
Galen McNamara, CEO, said, "The current Phase I drill program on the Hughes Property near Tonopah, Nevada has surpassed our expectations. With assay results from the first three holes locally exceeding 2,000 g/t silver equivalent in three separate areas, increasing the size of the current program was an easy decision. In addition, it is very clear the property merits significant additional drilling and we are planning to commence a Phase II drill program in early 2021 after all assay results from the current program are received and compiled."
Since mobilizing drill rigs to the Hughes property a total 8,100 m in 16 holes have been completed. Eight holes have been completed at the Belmont Mine, 2 holes have been completed at the Mizpah Extension Mine and 5 holes have been completed at the Murray target. At least 12 additional holes will be drilled this season as part of the expanded program.
At the Ruby target, approximately 1.3 km east and along strike from the historic Belmont mine, 1 hole has been partially drilled but was paused prior to reaching the target depth where the presence of strong and pervasive clay alteration at several intervals prevented the advancement of the hole through the target area. Zones of centimeter- to meter-scale quartz-adularia veining were, however, intersected immediately above the current depth of 653 m. The presence of adularia in quartz veins is indicative of fluid boiling and is a hallmark of mineralization-proximal alteration assemblages in many low-sulfidation epithermal systems. The reverse-circulation rig currently in transit to the property will be used to stabilize the hole at Ruby via reaming and then casing will be advanced through the zones of strong alteration. The hole will then be completed via core drilling.
The Company is also planning a multidisciplinary exploration program comprised of geological and a uav-based magnetic geophysical surveys. Both surveys will concentrate on the northern and eastern portions of the property where largely unexplored areas of extensive and strong zones of outcropping hydrothermal alteration have been documented. Results from these surveys are expected to guide further geophysical surveys and inform drill hole targeting on the eastern portion of the property, which could be host to a significant strike extension of the Tonopah District.