Phase One Exploration Completed At Yuge Gold Project

VANCOUVER - Trifecta Gold Ltd. reported that the first phase of exploration and drill pad construction at the Yuge Gold Project is complete and RC drilling is scheduled to commence in January 2021. The Property is located in Humboldt County, approximately 55 kilometers south of Denio in the Varyville Mining District. Yuge is road accessible and covers the Columbia and Juanita Mines, which produced on a small scale between 1870 and 1937, as well as the Josie Zone, where Trifecta has confirmed the presence of multiple gold bearing structures through surface sampling. Gold on the property occurs with sulphides (arsenopyrite and pyrite) or their weathered products (scorodite and iron oxides) in mesothermal quartz veins and adjacent wall rock. Documented run-of-mine sorted ore assayed greater than 34 g/t Au and reported sampling of a crown pillar returned 2.4 m @ 16.8 g/t Au including 0.6 m @ 50.7 g/t Au. Sulphide mineralization occurs at depths greater than 30 m with arsenopyrite-rich material reportedly assaying greater than 17.4 g/t Au. A historical drill hole, completed by Homestake Mining Company and directed underneath the Columbia workings, cut sulphide mineralization at 49 m depth that returned 3.3 m @ 9.70 g/t Au.

Phase one work at Yuge included drill pad construction at the Columbia and Juanita Mines and the Josie Zone, as well as upgrades to the Josie Zone access road, which resulted in the discovery of several strongly oxidized shears along the new road cut. Photos are available at Prospecting and hand trenching exposed new mineralization at the Josie Zone 60 m along strike of a vein exposure that returned 45.2 g/t gold over 0.35 m in 2018. Reconnaissance work also identified significant oxide mineralization 480 m northwest of, and along strike of, the Columbia Mine. Assay results from these new discoveries are expected in early 2021.

The upcoming drill program is designed to confirm the presence of high grade shear hosted gold mineralization below and between the Columbia and Juanita Mines, as well as bulk mineable oxide gold mineralization at the Josie Zone.