Positive Prefeasibility Study For The CK Gold Project In Wyoming
CHEYENNE, WY - U.S. Gold Corp. has completed the prefeasibility study (PFS) for the CK Gold Project and has published its SK-1300 Technical Report Summary. The CK Gold Project is located in Laramie County, Wyoming, in the southeastern portion of the state, approximately 20 miles west of Cheyenne. It is centered in the north half of Section 36, T14N, R70W. The property encompasses approximately 1,120 acres of mineral leases on Section 36, south half Section 25 and northeast quarter Section 35. Additionally, to accommodate the mine footprint for facilities, primarily the tailings storage facility, which cannot be accommodated on State Section 36, an option agreement for a further 712 acres on portions of Section 25 and Section 31 has been secured with the private landowner.
President & CEO, George Bee, said, “We have taken our time to carefully consider and optimize the potential of the CK Gold Project. From the outset and prior to me joining U.S. Gold Corp., the potential of the project in today's market was obvious. A deposit that outcrops on surface with a very low waste-to-ore ratio seemed to be attractive. The fact that the project is located in an excellent jurisdiction, well versed in the extractive industries, with everything that we need on the project doorstep, makes it a very attractive. The work that we have done over the last year has confirmed and improved upon previous metallurgical test work and we have set about doing the work to ensure that there will be little or no non-manageable negative impacts on the environment and local community. On the contrary, some 200-plus full-time high-paying jobs, royalty payments to the state for K-12 education, tax payments and investment in the community all accrue from a project that is relatively simple with no danger from tailings, no refinery or smelter emissions, and a benign process."