2020 Field Season Completed At Reveille Silver-Copper Property
VANCOUVER - VR Resources Ltd. reported an update for a busy year of exploration in the field at the Company’s Reveille silver-copper property located along the eastern margin of the Walker Lane mineral belt in west-central Nevada.
President and CEO, Michal H. Gunning said, “Our crew has just returned from the final stint of field work for 2020. Rock and soil samples are shown on Figure 1, in the context of the core targets which have emerged from our work in 2020; see the previous news release dated Nov. 24th for a bulleted list of the array of exploration surveys completed this summer at Reveille. The objectives: A total of 166 soil samples and 63 rock samples have been collected specifically over the western flank of the Reveille range during the last three weeks; The soil survey is designed to provide geochemical vectors for the center of the intense pyrite, quartz vein and sericite (potassium) phyllic-style alteration in volcanic rocks exposed on the valley floor west of the range and refine our targeting towards the 1km across magnetic anomaly for the overall heart, and driver of the high temperature base metal CRD mineral system at Reveille; that is, the source of the fluids responsible for the high-grade silver-copper showings on the hills to the east; and Rock sampling this fall was focused on gold. It forms from a low temperature and highly acidic fluid which forms pink jasperoid breccias, which are distinct from silver-copper collapse breccias elsewhere on the property. The gold jasperoid is believed to from late in the evolution of the high temperature, base metal CRD system, and is vertically superimposed, or telescoped on it by the juxtaposition of the 600 m gold trend on the well-established northeast-southwest structural control for the CRD base metal fluids with silver. More specifically, note the proximity of the conductor and overlapping gravity high which are targeted for base metals and the high amplitude gravity low which is targeted as a pipe-like core to the late gold fluid system.”
The Company expects to receive in January all of the geochemical results from the soil and rock sampling completed in November and December.
The Company is currently evaluating a state-of-the-art 3D DCIP geophysical survey for late January. The survey will, more or less, mimic the area covered by the soil grid and rock samples, and cover the magnetic, EM and gravity anomalies. In particular, the DCIP survey will map the pyrite related to the intense quartz veining, silicification and potassium alteration in the halo of the magnetic anomaly, and the pyrite related to jasperoid leaching south of Coyote Pup.
Gunning said, “Upon the integration in January of all project data, drill hole locations already laid out based on data in-hand will be refined, finalized and prioritized. Planning for the permitting of a reconnaissance-style RC drill program is already underway, and we expect to complete the permit application some time in January for a drill program later next winter. The low elevation, subdued topography, well-established roads, nearby water sources and near-surface modeling of targets below a thin valley cover will facilitate a cost-effective drill program and next step for Reveille. Field work and geophysics have been ongoing since June, and it is fair to say that Reveille has advanced more quickly than we expected. Our objective has been to identify a new and previously unexplored target for the core of the Reveille silver-copper CRD mineral system, beyond the individual showings of high-grade silver-copper mineralization exposed on the hills of the south Reveille range. We believe that we have that target in the large magnetic anomaly and specific EM conductor in the covered valley on the western flank of the range. And while we recognized the gold at Reveille when we began our exploration, it was not our focus, but field work has shown that a robust gold event is present, and that a high amplitude gravity feature might represent a low volume but high value, pipe-like core to this gold-bearing fluid. Both of these target areas for the complimentary metal systems at Reveille are covered and have never been tested in the 150 years of prospecting in the hills to the east.”