Intersections At The Recently Discovered Copala Vein
VANCOUVER - Vizsla Silver Corp. reported assay results from seven new drill holes targeting the Copala and Christiano veins, located east of the Tajitos resource area, at its 100%-owned, flagship Panuco silver-gold project located in Mexico.
"Copala continues to grow rapidly with very high grades and impressive widths over a large area," said, Michael Konnert, President, and CEO. "This recently discovered near-surface, shallow dipping structure has now been traced over 650 meters in length, 350 meters downdip, and remains open in all directions. The Copala Vein contributed approximately 6.4Moz of indicated and 18.6Moz of inferred silver equivalent ounces to the maiden resource estimate with the inclusion of only eight drill holes. The Company was conservative with 40% smaller search radius for resource estimation at Copala due to its early stage, however, these results indicate resource growth could be expected from the Copala vein over coming months."