99% Recovery Of Gold From Metallurgical Testing In Tabasco - Area 51

TORONTO - Wallbridge Mining Company Limited reported that it has completed the first phase of metallurgical testing of the Tabasco and Area 51 zones from Wallbridge’s Fenelon Gold Project, achieving gold recoveries up to 99.1% using conventional and proven technologies.

The goals of this latest round of metallurgical testing were to evaluate gold recovery for various grind sizes and processing technologies for representative material from Tabasco and Area 51 zones.

Representative samples from low-grade and high-grade areas of the Tabasco and Area 51 zones were tested for their amenability to gravity separation as well as cyanidation under varying grind sizes and conditions. Testing shows total recoveries using gravity and cyanidation of up to 99.1%; gravity recoveries of gold reached 84.1%.

“These initial metallurgical results are very positive and achieve a number of important objectives,” said Marz Kord, President & CEO. “First, they demonstrate that very high gold recoveries can be expected from Tabasco and Area 51 mineralization. Second, they indicate these recoveries can be achieved using time-tested technologies that are readily available. Finally, they confirm the quality and consistency of the Tabasco and Area 51 mineralized package that we saw in the Main Gabbro during the bulk sample in 2018-19.”

Preliminary metallurgical test work done on the Tabasco and Area 51 zones returned excellent results achieving gold recoveries up to 99.1%. The test work was carried out on three composites prepared from assay lab rejects from fourteen individual holes. The results are comparable to the results achieved to date from the Main Gabbro zone in laboratory and bulk sample ore processing.

Drill core samples from the ongoing drill program at Fenelon are cut and bagged either on site or by contractors and transported for analysis. Samples, along with standards, blanks and duplicates included for quality assurance and quality control. Samples are crushed to 90% or 95% less than 2mm. A 1kg riffle split is pulverized to >95% passing 106 microns or 85% passing 75 microns. 50g samples are analyzed by fire assay and AAS. Samples >10g/t Au are automatically analyzed by fire assay with gravimetric finish or screen metallic analysis. To test for coarse free gold and for additional quality assurance and quality control, Wallbridge requests screen metallic analysis for samples containing visible gold. These and future assay results may vary from time to time due to re-analysis for quality assurance and quality control.