Acquisition Of Reveille Property Closed And Start Of Exploration On the Ground Immediately

VANCOUVER - VR Resources Ltd. has successfully Closed the recently announced Acquisition Agreement for the Reveille silver property in Nevada, and plans to commence exploration on the ground immediately. VR has been evaluating the Reveille property in the field for nearly two years. It covers an historic primary silver camp that dates back to the 1870’s, but lacks any modern exploration or drilling.

The Reveille property is located approximately 90 km’s east of Tonopah, Nevada. Access is via Highway 6, with local roads and trails in and around the property itself. The Reveille property consists of 57 mineral claims in one contiguous block covering 1,157 acres (468 hectares) over an area of approximately 2 x 3 km’s. The property is on federal land administered by the BLM, and are outside of the BLM’s broadly defined area of sage grouse protection. There are no underlying annual lease payments on the property, nor are there any joint venture or carried interests on the property.