Completed Induced Polarization (IP) Survey At The Sandy Gold Project
VANCOUVER - NV Gold Corporation has completed its IP Survey at its 100% owned Sandy Gold Project, located within the Walker Lane, Lyon County, Nevada. The objective was to delineate sulfide concentrations via the chargeability and lithologies / alteration via the resistivity. The IP Survey results have led to the Company identifying various untested, potentially altered, and mineralized new targets to be drill-tested 1st Q of 2022.
The IP survey delineates lithologies, structures and alteration over two specific areas within the Sandy property. Numerous areas of sulfide concentration are also interpreted, which do not exhibit strong lithologic controls, but locations of hydrothermal alteration proximal to feeder structures. Vein responses are noted on along a prominent structural zone traversing the southwest and northeast borders of both survey blocks. This zone also correlates with moderate to high chargeability anomalies. A low resistivity feeder to the silica cap is also interpreted. Drill testing of the various targets will be conducted 1st Q of 2022 following a complete technical review to include integration of the IP results with all other of the property data.
"Previously stated conclusions of Leapfrog modeling combined with the recent results and interpretations of the Induced Polarization (IP) Survey strongly support the presence of a mineralized epithermal gold system at Sandy. The 2021 "maiden" RC (reverse circulation) drilling program did not intersect any of the new targets, neither underneath the Southwestern Clay Cap nor below the Northeastern Silica Cap. However, given the fact that most of our RC holes returned "system-indicating" gold values suggests strong potential for higher grade gold when targeting the overlapping resistor and chargeability anomalies. Having chargeability numbers up to 47 msec is very indicative for elevated sulfide occurrences which could represent a sulfide halo adjacent to mineralized quartz-veins. I am excited to evaluate the new anomalies and target interpretations of the Southwest Clay Cap and Northeast Silica Cap in our 2nd Phase drilling campaign in 1st Q of 2022", said, Thomas Klein, VP Exploration.