Assay Results For The Buckeye Mine
ONTARIO - Silver Bullet Mines Corp. (SBMI) reported on assay results for silver from its Buckeye Mine in Arizona. The assay results came from a test carried out by SBMI to further confirm, in practice, the efficiencies with which SBMI's assay lab would process the high-grade ore from the Buckeye Mine. The person who carried out the test in Arizona was Ron Murphy, the Company's VP Mining, together with SBMI's assay team, under the supervision of Bob Budd, metallurgical engineer. Management believes the grade of future beads can be increased as the field team continues to fine tune the mill and the assay lab to increase their efficiencies.
"We designed the assay lab and the mill with the high-grade material from the Buckeye in mind, in the belief they would work together to produce saleable high grade material," said A. John Carter, CEO. "That belief is why we built a complete processing facility in under 10 months, for less than $3,000,000. These assay results go a long way to justifying that belief and the building of the mill. Our field team has been incredible."
SBMI continues to bring what it believes to be high-grade product from the Buckeye Mine to the millsite, in anticipation of completing the mill tune-up with lower grade material, and then commencing milling the higher grade material. Discussions are underway with various potential buyers for SBMI's concentrate, and for the dore once poured.